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One Piece is a great watch. 9/10

One Piece is really entertaining.   Yeah, everybody says that, but I was surprised.  There are a few anime series I like, but it’s usually the silly stuff.  I wouldn’t watch One Piece, Cowboy Bebop or Dragon Ball Z as anime.  Making an anime into a TV show is even less likely to work out.   The trailers weren’t enticing.  I thought it would be some sappy Mexican kid moping around.

The Mexican kid, Iñaki Godoy, is convincing.  He is stupidly optimistic, but has skills and attributes that make it plausible that everything always works out.  The rest of the cast have charisma and believable quirks.  The show is occasionally quite dark and violent.

One Piece is best viewed as adventure fantasy.  Many people have powers that are beyond human, but the origin of the powers are explained if necessary.  You just accept some of the fantasy elements.   The level of technology is undefined and flexible.  They use long ships and swords, but some people dress in suits or other modern clothing.

It’s a fun show and worth watching.  9/10.

I will explain what I mean by the silly anime that I’ve enjoyed.

Ghost Stories is hilarious because of how it was dubbed.  They didn’t go with a direct translation, but said whatever they wanted to move the story along.

Girls und Panzer is a stupid premise that the creator to seriously.   The girls attend a private school that is located on an aircraft carrier.   One club at the school is “tankery”.  The girls compete in tank battles against other private schools.

Upotte! is similar.  Every student represents a type of rifle and attend an international private school that emphasizes shooting sports.   The Swiss girl represents the Swiss Sig PE57 battle rifle.  The American girl is an M16.  Like that.

Like I said, I like mostly silly anime. 


Sparky likes apples.

My apple trees really came through this year.  As I was picking them, Sparky decided to get in on the action.  He likes the idea of apples, but doesn’t actually eat them.

Most of the apples will go to feeding the deer, but some looked so good, I’m making apple butter.



Judging people at Planet Fitness

I get that “judgement free zone” is supposed to mean that a pudgy dotard like me won’t feel intimidated by the fit young people, but I am judging people all over the place.   I respect the chunky rascal on the treadmill, trying to get hammered into shape.  I appreciate the crotchety bastard who just finished the rehab regiment after cardiac surgery.  He can’t lift much, but he’s lifting.  It’s the other people.

What’s with the zaftig frau who only works out on the lat pull-down machine because her legs are spread as her ghetto booty faces the room.   I was on the bike for a half-hour, and she never did anything else.  Does anyone besides Sir Mix-A-Lot like big buns or is that just something people lie about on social media?

There is also the scrawny college kid who wears his over-the-ear headphones over his hoodie.  I’ve never seen him do anything except walk from the front of the gym to the back, then to the front again.  He is there pretty often, and it always seems like he’s looking for a ride home.   Maybe he just hasn’t found a ride yet.

Lycra doesn’t look as good as people think it does.  

The Joe Nautalrock fella who camps out on one machine, leaves his stuff, comes back 5 minutes later, and keeps that up for a half-hour isn’t very considerate.  There are tons of machines, so it doesn’t matter, but still.

I’ll judge people, but Howie Chizik taught me to always be polite, so I won’t say anything.

Another president from Ohio.

I am voting for Vivek Ramaswamy for president because his wife works at The Ohio State University and he is from Cincinnati.

Is he qualified?  Who cares?

We haven’t had a conventionally qualified president for decades.

The fun son of a powerful man.

A lazy stoner.

A game show host.

And a senile old man.

America isn’t a serious country anymore so why should we be serious about choosing a president?

It’s fun to say Ramaswamy, so that’s a nice.  Since he has a dark complexion, it will be interesting to see how the corporate media calls him a racist.  With Republicans, they always do.  He is a Hindu, but attended a Catholic high school, so that is close enough to be conventional, but we still get to crow about historical firsts.

You will never be in better shape than you are today.

Current trends are expected to continue.   At 40 years old, hitting the gym gets you results.    At 50, you’re attempting to slow the decline.  At 60, you hope to retain full functionality.  At 70, you’re just plugging leaks.  If you are over 40, whatever shape you are in today, is probably the healthiest you will ever be.  It’s like this scene from Office Space.

It doesn’t matter what a person intends to do tomorrow, it’s what is actually done today.  Inertia means people keep doing what they’ve always done and entropy means that isn’t enough.

I’ve always wanted to be in better shape to perform better when I do the fun stuff.  I’ve joined gyms, bought equipment and worked out at school.  The only thing that has ever been effective is working out with a buddy.

After I was awarded that Breakthrough money, I offered to buy Boch a gym membership if he agreed to make me work out three times per week.  He took the deal, and we were successful.  After that year, it fell apart.

My brother recently retired, so we both joined Planet Fitness.  We just finished our third week, and so far, so good.

Presidential Debate

Prior to reading any analysis, here’s my take on the Republican presidential debate:

Glad Trump wasn’t there. We know what he’d do, so I wanted to hear the other guys.

Burgum: I like that he pulled out the Constitution to say that abortion isn’t federal business. He seems like a good guy, but he’d be baffled by Washington. He won’t last.

Christie: Is only running to tell everyone that he hates Trump. Otherwise, he’s got nothing.

DeSantis: As the front runner behind Trump, I was surprised the other candidates weren’t attacking him.

Haley: I liked her at the UN, but she seems to be off track. She won’t last.

Hutchinson: Seemed like he is running for president in 1999. He won’t last.

Pence: Presented himself well, but his main message is that the baby boomers aren’t done yet.

Ramaswamy: He sounds like David Hu running for president. Yeah, we get it, you’re smart. He needs to dial back the energy level. He made me think of Tom Cruise jumping around on Oprah’s show.

Scott: Good guy, but wasn’t memorable. He won’t last.

Galaxy Outlaws by J.S. Morin is not Firefly. 7/10

J.S. Morin’s Galaxy Outlaws is usually recommended as a book series similar to the Firefly TV show.  That is just wrong.  If you like Science Fiction, you must watch Firefly.  It’s described as a Western in space.  That doesn’t do the TV show justice and is part of why Firefly didn’t catch on when it originally aired, and only lasted one season.  The characters in Firefly make it a perfect TV show.  10/10.  There isn’t a thing that can be changed to improve it.  If you don’t like Firefly, then you don’t like that genre.

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WSJ: Electric vehicles aren’t working out like they’d hoped.

The Electric-Vehicle Bubble Starts to Deflate

The Electric-Vehicle Bubble Starts to Deflate

It’s ironic, to say the least, that the U.S. is seeking to imitate China’s economic model at the moment that its industrial policy fractures. Look no further than its collapsing electric-vehicle bubble, which is a lesson in how industries built by government often also fail because of government.

It’s always a bad idea when the government tries to nudge us into something.  If EV’s are a great idea, the market will recognize that without the need for carrots and sticks.  After all of the lying and bullying with regard to Covid, we don’t believe what the government tells us.  Their motives are suspect and their thinking is muddled.

Ford recently reduced its EV production targets as its losses and unsold inventory grow. At the end of June, it had 116 days of unsold Mustang Mach-Es, and GM’s electric Hummer had more than 100 days of supply. And this is in a growing economy.

Electric vehicles have a limited range, recharging takes hours and they catch on fire.  Some consumers may overlook these features, and they are welcome to buy one.

From a policy perspective, we don’t have a bunch of nuclear power plants generating cheap and abundant energy.  Pushing to electric makes no sense until we’ve got the nukes.

Our grid is not robust.  My power went out for three hours yesterday while the weather was sunny and mild.  Fix the grid.

Toyota, my choice in vehicle manufacturers, doesn’t go in for fads so my next vehicle will be another conventional Tacoma.

With all of the technological innovations we have, more of us should be richer and more comfortable.  Governmental interference is pissing away the future we should be enjoying.

Town and Country Camp Resort: 6/10

We spent the weekend at Town and Country Camp Resort.  It’s a mixed bag.

On the up side:

Full hookup sites were only $35.

It’s only 40 minutes away, near Dragway 42, and it is located right off of I-71, so it’s an easy drive.

The park is pretty quiet.  The vast majority of sites are permanent, and there weren’t many people around.  Day campers like us were in a separate section.

In our section of the campground, there was plenty of open lawn for walking dogs, playing frisbee or other activities.

There is a playground for kids, but it was a little beat and not near the day camp section.

There are a lot of planned activities, like Bingo or outdoor movies.  There were also resident-planned activities.  Wednesday is “First Shot of the Day” night, so people line up to get a free shot of liquor from a guy at a permanent site.

On the down side:

There isn’t much to do in the area.

The campground has gravel roads, traveled mostly by golf cart.  There isn’t a park nearby, so riding bikes isn’t appealing.

Many trees have been planted, but it felt a little like camping in a field, with sites being a little close.

Overall, it was fine for a weekend and would be a good place to stop over if someone was taking a long trip.  It would be boring for a longer stay.

Book Review: The Robot Geneticist by J. S. Morin. 9/10

I just finished the Robot Geneticists series by J. S. Morin.  It is also known as the Project Transhuman.

Good science fiction has a clear premise and sticks with it.  The premise for Robot Geneticists is clear and simple.  In the not too distant future, human brains can be saved in digital format and aliens killed all life on Earth.

There are two twists that make it unusual.  It’s a post-apocalyptic world, but the story starts a thousand years after the alien attack, so it’s nearly a post-scarcity world.  The other twist is that robots don’t hate humans.

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