Sparky was being very patient as I worked on the bridge wall. Well, that’s what I thought.
When we built the stacked-bag wall yesterday, we hosed it down, but not so much that the paper bags fell apart. Every morning and evening, I will hose down the wall, with the hope that more of the concrete will get wet enough to cure. At some point, it will rain, and we will see what happens.
I like to bring Sparky along for outdoor projects. He keeps the rabbits and coyotes away so I don’t have to worry. I do have to watch that he doesn’t wander too far, but this time, for the 45 minutes it took for me to water the rocks, he sat patiently.
I hopped on the quad and started up the hill, but Sparky didn’t follow along. He’s pretty good about following the quad if he isn’t working on his own project.
I went back to check on him. See the problem?
It’s a mystery how he can get his leash stuck so easily.
Sparky was perturbed after being stuck for so long. There is disappointment in those eyes. I think Sparky bears some responsibility for not giving some indication that he was stuck, and I told him so. He remembered that he doesn’t speak English, so was unpersuaded.