Sparky meets a coyote.

Sparky and I went out for dusk patrol.  Rabbits are more likely to be out at dusk and dawn, and it’s good for Sparky to get some exercise before dinner. 

With his brush anchor, he can’t go too far into the woods and the highway fence keeps him penned in on the other side.  He can free-roam all the way down to the creek, sniffing and pissing as much as he wants.  I keep an eye on him, and when he crosses the land bridge and starts to go up the hill, I call him and he comes back. 

That’s what happened tonight.  After he crossed, a coyote popped out of the woods about 30 feet away.  Ever vigilant, Sparky went after the coyote. 

When Sparky has something to chase, he stops listening.  As he ran up the hill away from me, I ran down the hill.  Thankfully, I’ve been diligent about doing my cardio, but I did a half-hour on the elliptical today, so this didn’t seem fair.  When I crossed the creek and started up the hill, I really wasn’t enjoying myself.  Croks are comfortable and convenient, but completely inappropriate for running up a hill. 

By the time I reached the top, Sparky was gone.  It wasn’t long before he popped out of the woods to tell me that he might need some help with the coyote.  We looked around for a while, and came in.

Sparky is really excited, and is going to be talking about this coyote all night.  As I was typing this, he came by to tell me about it again.

I told him that I was there and saw the coyote, but he doesn’t believe me.


  1. Court

    I’m impressed Sparky knew it was a Coyote. He must have been one in a past life or something…

    • Richard Nestoff

      Don’t be too impressed, Sparky says a lot of things.

      Last month, he was telling me that he used to be that rat from Ratatouille, so we should get a rotisserie chicken. I asked him if he had other past lives. He raised his paw in that adorable way, leaned into me, and gave me that shit-eating grin.

      He thought we should still get a rotisserie chicken.

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