NYT: UFC loves Trump.

NYT: Trump at UFC

NYT: Trump at UFC

Sixteen thousand people erupted into rapture when Donald J. Trump walked into the Prudential Center in Newark at 10 p.m. Saturday to attend an Ultimate Fighting Championship match.

UFC doesn’t appeal to me, and this article about Trump’s attendance isn’t illuminating, but it did get me thinking about other presidents. 

Where would Joe Biden go to revel in the embrace of his most avid fan base?

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  1. Annexe_Hexe

    For Biden, how about a classic car show or a summit for the Rail Passengers Association? https://www.railpassengers.org/

    Also, I think Clinton is vegan now, so maybe not into a pig roast. 1990s Clinton, sure. 21st c. Clinton, probably not.

    • Richard Nestoff

      The classic car people can’t be too happy with Biden due to the price of gas and the push for electric vehicles. Rail passengers or employees aren’t going to be applauding him.

      Bill Clinton is a vegan? How the hell did that happen?

  2. Annexe_Hexe

    Also, you missed Nixon!

    • Richard Nestoff

      I didn’t miss Nixon. I had to stop somewhere, but you’re right, he is a tricky one. He apparently was great at foreign policy, so some kind of egghead convention talking about foreign affairs. He did a lot for the environment, but that wouldn’t be his crowd.

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