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Race shouldn’t be an advantage.

Furious parents marched their children across picket lines of striking teachers in Oakland, California, on Friday on the seventh day of a strike in which teachers are demanding reparations for slavery, among other demands.

Say what you want about France, but they don’t play “follow the leader”.  They protect their interests and make their own decisions.  On race relations, they seem to have a sensible policy.   I had some idea of how they handled diversity issues, so found this Brookings Institute article to be interesting.

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Give me a dollar.

WSJ: Tipping for Self Checkout

WSJ: Tipping for Self Checkout

People seem to be baffled and rankled by the simplest things.

Prompts to leave 20% at self-checkout machines at airports, stadiums, cookie shops and cafes across the country are rankling consumers already inundated by the proliferation of tip screens. Business owners say the automated cues can significantly increase gratuities and boost staff pay. But the unmanned prompts are leading more customers to question what, exactly, the tips are for.   

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Sparky may be racist.

I have a new refrigerator and my dog may be a racist.  Sparky likes everyone, but the delivery guys don’t know that and shouldn’t take my word for it.  As a courtesy, I had him in his crate.  As soon as Maurice looked at him, Sparky started barking like a bunch of turkeys were taking a shit in his yard.

I can’t explain it.  Sparky has met a couple of dozen friends and family since I’ve had him.  In my house and elsewhere, while he was in his crate or roaming around, men and women, dressed up and casual, he has always been cool.  Maurice has a dog, so maybe Sparky picked up the scent.  Otherwise, Sparky may be a racist.  He’s more than half black, so that makes it more troubling.

WSJ: Biden vs Trump

WSJ: Biden vs Trump

Look at people’s faces when you say, “Looks like it’ll be Biden and Trump.” Those faces tell you everything—the soft wince, the shake of the head, the sigh. Those are the emblems of the 2024 campaign right now.

It’s too early to tell.  Biden seems to be the walking wounded and nobody likes Kamala.  RFK Jr. is running and he seems like a normal kind of guy.  DeSantis is running, and there will be others. 

The Dresden Files are a gateway drug to urban fantasy. 10/10

I’ve been into Science Fiction since I was a pup, but fantasy never appealed to me.  I don’t know why, possibly because it always seemed like there would be princesses and a bunch of moping around.  Fair or not, that’s how it seemed to me.  I don’t know how I started on Storm Front by Jim Butcher, but I was sucked in.

Storm Front is the first book of The Dresden Files series, and he’s up to 17 books with a couple of novellas.  The audio books are narrated by James Marsters, who was Spike from Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.   Marsters does such a good job, the one book that wasn’t narrated by him, was re-recorded when Marsters became available.

Harry Dresden is a salty, smart-arse private detective and a wizard, so the series is considered urban fantasy.  Dresden has magic skills, but what makes the series enjoyable, apart from the entertaining dialogue, is that his magic has limits.   Dresden explains the magic in a plausible way, so it isn’t like Bewitched or I Dream of Jeannie

In about every book, Dresden thinks his life is settling down, a threat presents itself, he gets his ass kicked a few times, then being clever, rather than powerful, he prevails.

TNR: To ban pervert sex clown shows for kids, Florida law will also ban Rocky Horror.

The New Republic: Florida law may ban Rocky Horror

When I was told this by a friend, I was incredulous, as I am about anything that conveniently fits the narrative.

Florida Republicans are pushing forward a bill that seeks to ban drag shows from allowing someone under the age of 18 to be in attendance.

As I’ve said elsewhere, the legislature shouldn’t have to pass a law to discourage perverted sex clowns from putting on performances aimed at children, but parents will protect children.

The bill defines “adult live performance” to include “any show, exhibition or other presentation in front of a live audience,” that in any form “depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or specific sexual activities,” such as “lewd conduct, or the lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts.”

Yes, that would appear to ban The Rocky Horror Picture Show and the play, Hair.  Parents should not have been pushed this far.  They don’t care about collateral damage.  It’s a shame that it’s come to this, but it has.

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