Don’t get cocky. The election process is still shaky in many states.
President Biden is trailing Donald J. Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, suffering from enormous doubts about his age and deep dissatisfaction over his handling of the economy and a host of other issues, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College have found.
Biden is clearly a feeble dotard and nobody is saying who is actually making presidential decisions. The election is between Trump and the people behind the curtain.
It’s interesting the Ohio doesn’t show up as a battleground state anymore.
This election will be interesting in that the primaries won’t matter. Neither Biden or Trump are likely to get any primary challenges, hold any debates or present any policies. Trump could be in jail and win just as Biden could be hidden away in his eldercare facility and win.
The old Democratic standbys can’t be counted on.
Voters under 30 — a group that strongly voted for Mr. Biden in 2020 — said they trusted Mr. Trump more on the economy by an extraordinary 28 percentage-point margin after years of inflation and now high interest rates that have made mortgages far less affordable.
Black voters — long a bulwark for Democrats and for Mr. Biden — are now registering 22 percent support in these states for Mr. Trump, a level unseen in presidential politics for a Republican in modern times.
Voters under 30 favor Mr. Biden by only a single percentage point, his lead among Hispanic voters is down to single digits and his advantage in urban areas is half of Mr. Trump’s edge in rural regions.
For the most part:
Legal immigrants are not in favor of an unsecure Southern border.
Urban Blacks did not burn down their own neighborhoods when Antifa and BLM came to town to riot.
Women don’t want men in their restrooms and locker rooms and would like their daughters to have the opportunity to compete fairly.
Young people can be chaotic and irresponsible, but aspire to join a functioning society when they eventually dummy up.