When did Bruce Springsteen turn into an albino?
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NYT: What’s the matter with Ohio?
These East coast elitist dickheads can’t be very bright because they keep trying to win us over with these articles about why we are so dim.
If you aren’t familiar with him, Paul Krugman is the George Costanza of Nobel prize winning economists. Krugman could take the opinion that was the exact opposite of everything he thinks, and he would be more correct and respected.
For many years, Ohio has been thought of as a bellwether state: With rare exceptions, whoever won Ohio in a presidential election won the nation as a whole. But in 2020, Donald Trump won Ohio by about eight points even as Joe Biden led the national popular vote by more than four points and, of course, won the Electoral College vote.
Planet Fitness doesn’t judge perverts.
Working out with my brother has been going well. We have worked out three times per week for over six months. We’ve only missed three or four days in that entire time. I’m working out with 150 lbs on the bench press. That’s 30 lbs more than I did in high school. I am up at least a couple of plates on every station. It’ a shame that has to end. We have to resign from Planet Fitness and find somewhere else.
The guy in the photo was shaving in the women’s locker room at Planet Fitness. The woman who took the photo was in the women’s locker room along with other women and a 12 year old girl.
It’s clear that this man does not sincerely believe that he is a woman. He looks to be in his 40’s, so isn’t some mixed up kid. He is sporting a man’s haircut. Shaving in the Planet Fitness locker room emphasizes that he is a man, and is an attempt to mock the women who are present.
The man is a degenerate who finds it gratifying to make women feel powerless and humiliated. If he wanted to be sensitive to their reasonable concerns, he could have changed in a stall or before he came to the gym. Alternatively, he should have made every effort to appear to be a woman.
The woman who took the photo, because she wanted photographic proof, had her membership cancelled by Planet Fitness.
Boycotting Bud Light was easy because it sucks. There is a Planet Fitness gym near my house, my brother’s house and almost anywhere I’m likely to go. For $30 per month, it’s a great value. Finding a suitable alternative won’t be easy.
We will have to ask about the transgender locker room policy at any gym we consider.
NYT: Damage from Covid closures.
NYT: Damage from Covid closures.
What was done to children in public schools during the Covid lock-down was inexcusable. There will never be a full accounting, but this article in the NYT gets much of it right.
WaPo: Your clothes no longer serve you.
WaPo: Your clothes no longer serve you.
I wouldn’t have thought that an article about a 70 year-old fashion influencer would resonate with me, but here we are.
Now that I am a punkwad, I have come to the opinion that dogs and children should not be indulged, but should conform to the customs of the house.
Being two old guys, Sparky and I agree on a lot of things. Sparky doesn’t sleep in my bedroom because I am indulging him, we both just sleep better knowing what the other fella is doing.
When Sparky slept in his crate, no matter what time I woke up, he’d be sitting at attention. He’d come out of the box ready to frolic. I am not a big morning frolicker.
Now, he sleeps in to give me time to shamble around with my coffee. I got out of bed two hours ago and Sparky is sleeping past his 10 am breakfast.
He is such a good dog.
I did not know that.
Ann Althouse explains that the bully pulpit is not a pulpit to bully.
In 1909, President Theodore Roosevelt exclaimed: “I suppose my critics will call that preaching, but I have got such a bully pulpit!” First, clearly, he was using “bully” — as he often did — to mean very good or excellent. And he used the word “pulpit,” because he knew he was preaching, that is, proclaiming righteous opinions in public.
This comes up due to legal issues resulting from the Biden administration’s manipulation and coercion of social media platforms to suppress free speech.
This would not be an issue if parents cared about their children enough to get them flip phones instead of smart phones. However, this is a positive step.
Gov. Mike DeWine on Wednesday gathered school administrators from around the state to discuss how they’ve instituted policies to restrict middle- and high-school students’ cell-phone use while at school.
Speaking at a roundtable discussion, superintendents spoke about how lunchrooms and playgrounds have been falling silent as students focus on their phones instead of each other. Kids use their phones to harass other students, set up fights, or skip class.
This article is about social media influencers. That’s boring, but I like the term they coined.
Dinkwad: Dual income, no kids, with a dog.
By extension, I’m a punkwad.
Punkwad: Professional uncle, no kids, with a dog.
The person in the online chat introduced himself as “Brad.” Using flattery and guile, he persuaded the 14-year-old girl to send a nude photo. It instantly became leverage.
Don’t blame WaPo for the lurid article. Can you pass up a trigger warning like this?
Editor’s note: This story describes extremely disturbing events that may be upsetting for some people.
It’s not just regular disturbing, it’s extremely disturbing, and some people want to be upset. In a good way. Like watching a Frankenstein movie when you are a kid.