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Sparky wants company.

Recreation of actual event.

Sparky is a courteous dog.  He can wander anywhere he wants, but he acts as if the bathroom doesn’t exist.  Even if he’s dying to tell me something, if I’m in the bathroom, he goes somewhere else and tries to look busy.

Storms make Sparky active and agitated, but he says he’s not afraid.  He just wants to be near me in case I need his help.  It started to rain, so I was done moving firewood into the wood shed.   When I came in, I took a shower.

Sparky came by to hang out.  He tried to be casual about it.  “So, you think I can drive the quad tomorrow?  Were there any mice in the wood pile?  Why are you standing in house rain when there is outside rain?  Are you sure this is safe?  I’ll just wait here.”

The Vela gets a 5/10 for being confusing.

Trigger warnings are bullshit like all the other snowflake crap they foist on us.  Trigger warnings could be good, but acceptable trigger warnings are about content that mentions guns, racism, homophobia or transphobia.  Calling it a trigger warning implies that a person with PTSD could suffer deep anguish and mental suffering.

In reality, a trigger warning indicates topics that Progressive crybullies wish didn’t exist.

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NYT: Algebra in Middle School

NYT: Algebra in Middle School

NYT: Algebra in Middle School

Top students can benefit greatly by being offered the subject early. But many districts offer few Black and Latino eighth graders a chance to study it.

This is why Progressives should never be put in charge of anything, ever.  It doesn’t matter how well they speak, how nice they look or what degrees they have, they can only destroy.  The issue is whether or not advanced students should have the option of taking Algebra in eight grade.  Most students take it in  ninth.

Do bias and inequality keep Black and Latino children off the fast track? Should middle schools eliminate algebra to level the playing field? What if standout pupils lose the chance to challenge themselves?

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Klaus Schwab stepping down.

Ever wonder why everything, everywhere went to shit, all at once?  It’s this alien-looking motherfucker.

He founded the World Economic Forum where all the elites gather in Davos, Switzerland to get their instructions.  Globalism is his central theme.  No borders, no meat, no fossil fuels, no religion, no private property and no nations.

He’s the guy that wants you to eat bugs.

He is stepping down from executive chairman, but don’t worry, his friends and family are positioned through out the organization, so it will continue to run.  His acolytes are positioned through out national governments, tech firms and corporate media.  

The change in his role is pending approval by the Swiss government but should be finalized ahead of the WEF’s annual meeting in 2025.

I’d like to see this statement explained in greater detail.

Scientific American is discredited.

City Journal: Unscientific American

My fourth year teaching at Normandy, I was the department chair.  My department was concerned that students didn’t know the scientific method.  I taught all Physics and Honors Physics, so figured my kids certainly knew how science worked.  Sure, they could list some steps, but they couldn’t really think scientifically.

Around the same time, John Stossel, at ABC News, had done a special on pseudoscience, called, The Power of Belief.   It seems a little quaint now, but it was an engaging look at unscientific beliefs that were popular in the culture.   Magic crystals, past lives, faith healing, past lives, that sort of thing.

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