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A newly popular alternative to cigarettes is changing the way many Americans consume nicotine—and becoming a political flashpoint.
The product, a nicotine pouch, looks like a tiny tea bag and comes in flavors such as mint, coffee, berry and mango. It tucks discreetly into the cheek and doesn’t require the user to spit.

I have never smoked a cigarette in my life.  Pulling hot smoke into your lungs always seemed like a bad idea.  When I was young, I figured that lungs were moist, pink mucus membranes kind of like the inside of your mouth.  Hot smoke would dry them out and damage them. 

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You Don’t Hit Girls

Why not?

Kids ask questions all the time.  That’s what they are supposed to do as their brains try to construct a model of reality.  Occasionally, they ask difficult questions.  The cliche is, “Why is the sky blue?”  That’s an easy question, but not enough writers took physics.

“You don’t hit girls.”

Now that’s a difficult question.  If asked, most parents would say, “Well, you shouldn’t hit anyone.  Violence doesn’t solve anything.”

That’s a stupid answer, but kids are still trying to figure things out, so the parent can talk for a little while to redirect the conversation.  Kids don’t have any power, so telling them that violence doesn’t solve anything, doesn’t put them at a big disadvantage.  By the time they are powerful enough to employ real violence, they have learned about the Civil War, animal attacks and the Second Amendment.

Why are boys told not to hit girls?

It’s not because girls are fragile.  Girls aren’t taught to be fragile, and they aren’t.  For a 5 year-old, a 6 year-old is 20% older.  A girl can be taller, stronger and more coordinated than a boy because of an age difference or growth rate.  Girls can be just as aggressive or mean-spirited as boys, but they tend to have better impulse control.

Boys are told not to hit girls because we don’t want men to hit women.

By high school, most boys are taller and stronger than most girls.  That is statistically true, but our current culture insists that there are no innate differences between men and women.  That is competes with the other well-established assertion that, biologically, humans are animals.  Every other species we have studied has obvious and observable behavioral and anatomical differences between males and females.

Why should men not hit women?

In a physical fight, a typical man can do significant damage to a typical woman.  Most of us aren’t typical.  A big, strong person can do significant damage to a smaller and weaker person.  Also, it doesn’t have to be a melee battle.  Women can buy guns or pepper spray.  Assault with a motor vehicle is an option available to most adults.

Women are not inherently better people.  According to the National Domestic Violence Fact Sheet
 “1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence,”

That can only be an approximation, but half the instances of domestic violence, is still significant.  Men are less likely to report an incident, so it’s probably more than 1 in 9.

An LA TImes article talks about the first Men’s Domestic Violence Shelter opened in the US.  This is in 1994.  The shelter has difficulty getting funding and the founder’s motives are questioned.

“You don’t hit girls” cause men to under report violence and society to deny assistance when needed.

In general, men are more impulsive and direct.  “You don’t hit girls” is training meant to put a deep, instinctive constraint on men to overcome an immediate confrontation.  Men need that.   As a boy matures, the message can become more sophisticated.  “Pick on someone your own size” and criminal assault can send you to jail.

If men are more impulsive and direct, then women are more evasive and indirect.  Nobody mentions that. 

Admiral Ackbar explains another reason why men should not hit women.

When I was a young teenager, I overheard my parents talking about friends of theirs in a troubled marriage.   Apparently the wife, unprovoked, grabbed the husband’s nuts when he was getting dressed in the morning.  He smacked her.  It was clear that she was looking for this response to improve her grounds for a divorce.

That’s a disturbing story, but not unique.  If women have the capacity to be bad people and can be conniving, it’s prudent to be restrained.

I’ve never hit a woman.  Whether or not I would, is like asking if I could shoot someone.  I don’t know.  It depends on the circumstances, and even then, I can’t be certain.  If it was one of those random urban attacks by a gang of unhinged 15 year-old she-demons, I’d be justified in defending myself.  Until the situation presents itself, none of us can be sure what we’d do.  I’d prefer not to find out.

When a boy is told to never hit a girl, and asks why not, is that the time to explain feminine wiles?

The TV Show, Reacher. 8/10

The Atlantic: Reacher Review

I started watching the TV show, Reacher, a couple of months ago, and really enjoyed it.  On social media, it gets criticized quite often.  That’s fine, not everyone likes the same shows, but the review in The Atlantic is illuminating.  Sophisticated people don’t like Reacher.

Amazon’s Reacher, the second season of which wraps up this week, is among the most-watched shows in the country.

I like it, and so do a lot of other people.  It’s got an 8.1 rating on IMDB.

It’s as if our collective imaginative power source, its fuses blown, has switched over to some kind of small, noisy backup generator. Enough with nuance, enough with finesse.

You get it?  The popularity of Reacher is indicative of a malfunction in America.   How could a show that doesn’t address contemporary issues, politics or anything controversial, be such a threat to the deep-thinkers?

Reacher is pure masculinity, so the opposite of a Progressive.  Reacher has a strict moral code that he lives by.  He doesn’t force anyone to live like him.  He doesn’t talk about it, he just does it.  He is not a victim or a victimizer. Everything he is, is the opposite of Progressives and the political elite. 

It helps that the casting, directing and writing are well-done.

Pete Buttigieg Hates Americans

Diversity is killing us.  In March, 2022, the FAA updated it’s DEI policies.

From the FAA’s Diversity and Inclusion page.

The mission of the FAA involves securing the skies of a diverse nation. It only makes sense that the workforce responsible for that mission reflects the nation that it serves.

That doesn’t make sense at all.  It makes sense to have a workforce that is the most competent that can be found and have a dedication to safety.

Individuals with targeted or “severe” disabilities are the most under-represented segment of the Federal workforce.

The FAA is committed to hiring more people with ‘severe’ disabilities to up their share of the federal workforce.  The FAA is targeting people with specific disabilities.

Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring. They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.

There is no problem with the FAA hiring dwarfs or paraplegics.   Hiring people to work for the FAA with severe intellectual or psychiatric disabilities is intended to undermine the organization and put Americans in danger.

If managers meet people who are too disabled to pass up, they can hire on the spot.

On-the-Spot Hiring
A non-competitive hiring method for filling vacancies with Veterans and/or individuals with disabilities. Managers can choose to fill an open position through the On-the-Spot hiring process given they provide the required documentation for doing so.

Pete Buttigieg is Secretary of Transportation.  His only qualifications are that he is gay and went to Harvard.

DeadBolt Obstacle Course

It’s 10o F and windy, so the wind chill is -9o F.  The wood stove is going full blast.  To get the fire going in the morning, there is a bin of scrap wood to throw on the hot embers.  That gave me an idea for inside fun.

A couple of split logs and a bunch of scrap wood makes a good course for the DeadBolt.  It’s a live course because the scrap wood moves under the car.  To improve FPV visibility, the car body was removed.

While driving DeadBolt, Sparky kept coming over.  The sound of the RC car always meant he had a chance at snatching some food.

Institutions have failed us.

Douglas Murray says that Americans have lost faith in institutions  because of Fauci’s lying.  It’s much worse than that.

Fauci did more than lie to the American people.  He encouraged draconian measures to ensure compliance.  Lawsuits are ongoing for people who were fired from jobs for not getting vaccinated. 

Claudine Gay, the former president of Harvard, helped squander the credibility of institutions.  We now know that diversity hires are everywhere.  Once they get in, they can’t be removed because they can’t be criticized. 

Much of the WOKE corporate agenda come from BlackRock, the world’s largest investment management company.  Publicly traded companies were given an ESG score to indicate their compliance with environmental, social and governance benchmarks.  That’s what it took to ruin two of America’s strongest brands.  Budweiser and Disney squandered billions, and they won’t come back.

Now that we know all this, it would be insane to trust big government, big business or big colleges.  Institutions want to rebuild their reputations, but they won’t apologize and they may be too infected to be saved.  It can get better, but there is going to be a lot of wreckage left behind.

Keep it in the distant family.

Sperm counts and fertility have been dropping for a hundred years.  This could become a problem.

Women having fewer children could be explained by societal changes that mostly converge to women having more life options and control over their fertility.  The drop in sperm count is not easy to explain, but everybody wants to attribute the decline to whatever agenda suits them. 

In my first quarter at The Ohio State University, I took Bio 100 because, at the time, I was majoring in natural resource management.  Everyone majoring in a non-STEM field took it.

The professor was an engaging lecturer, with some wit.  He was explaining dominant and recessive genes, and explained how inbreeding increases the chances of passing along harmful, recessive traits.  He ended with, “So if you want to have the healthiest kids, breed with someone of a different race.”  In 1979, this was a mildly subversive thing to say.

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Sparky Wins the Chicken Run

Playing Chicken Run today, Sparky snatched the prize five times.

When the chicken was gone, pepperoni was the prize.  It’s aromatic, so got Sparky’s attention.  I was concerned that it might mix up Sparky’s innards, so today, we switched to kielbasa.

Driving with FPV, is deceiving.  I seemed to be winning, keeping Sparky on the jump, but when I checked, the prize was gone.  Driving without the FPV, I see how Sparky cleverly comes from behind or wheels around, and snatches the prize without me even knowing he  was there.  And, Sparky can shimmy under the coach.

I’m not sure the prize ever made it to the solarium and back.  Sparky won, 5-0.


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