As Sparky was patrolling the back yard, I thought I’d have a beer and enjoy the evening. Sparky spilled my beer as he was attempting an innovative new way to get on my lap. He drank some of it.
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Seven Psychopaths is a perfect movie.
To me, a perfect movie is one where the cast, dialogue and plot are so much better than I could imagine, there is nothing that could be changed to improve it. It couldn’t get any better.
The Blues Brothers is a perfect movie. The plot is understandable, but it’s impossible to predict what happens next. Every word of the dialogue is important, but no words are wasted. The cast has popular actors, plus Cab Calloway, Aretha Franklin and James Brown.
When we went outside for the last time of the night, Sparky was pensive. Not eager to pursue, but concerned and observant. Something was out there, and he wasn’t sure what.
Sparky didn’t think it was prudent to take a dump, so we came inside. To minimize wet footprints all over the house, I send him to his crate to wipe his feet. Sparky wouldn’t go in his crate. He likes his crate, taking naps in there and going in prior to every meal. That was odd.
This morning, I was curious for Sparky to investigate the grounds. He told me about the coyotes, so I documented his report.

NPR: Teens aren’t challenged or prepared.
Morning Edition on NPR did a segment about a survey showing that teens don’t feel that school challenges or prepares them.
The NPR segment isn’t very interesting, but the discussion on the Teacher forum on Reddit is. Here is the post that introduces the NPR segment.
Sparky’s gut was making extraordinarily loud gurgling noises last night. Loud enough that it was audible, 10 feet away, with my CPAP on. When I’m asleep, Sparky has limited options to resolve an urgent intestinal issue. He wouldn’t dream of barking or howling to wake me up. If the situation were dire, he might make some decisions that, in the morning, I’d find appalling.
We stayed up and talked for a while, then he went outside to eat some grass. His situation has improved today, but we haven’t come to a consensus on the cause of the problem.
Sparky insists that since he has completed his course of antibiotics, his gut hasn’t adapted to the lack of peanut butter and gravy in his food.
I believe that Sparky should stop eating rotten garbage that he finds in the woods.
WSJ: Quest for electric planes.
WSJ: Quest for electric planes.
Why must we entertain and finance blatantly stupid ideas? Nothing is going to make Greta Thunberg happy, so let’s stop trying. No government money or mandates should encourage the dumb ideas.
Sparky tolerates a bath, but he doesn’t see the point.
Dark matter detector doesn’t find dark matter.
In a cavern, mile below the surface of South Dakota, is the world’s most sensitive dark matter detector. They haven’t detected any dark matter
There is something wrong with Disney that will be difficult to fix. The Acolyte was in trouble before it even aired. Snow White opens next year, and will fail.
RCS: Germany’s Disastrous Switch Away From Nuclear
It’s interesting to watch a country intentionally destroy itself. Germany presents itself as a technically-minded country with high-quality manufacturing, not a country that makes uninformed and impetuous decisions.