Category: Uncategorized (Page 1 of 2)

I’m being watched.

This barred owl was outside my window this morning.  This was before 8 am and the bird is backlit by the sky, so it’s a dodgy photo.  

The branch the owl is resting on has a diameter of about 3 inches, so the owl is about 20 inches long.  I didn’t see it fly off, but the wingspan is supposed to be about 40 inches.  It’s crazy that a bird that big can fly in amongst all of the branches. 

It’s a solid winter.

When I woke up this morning, the outside temperature was 1.4o F and we’ve got drifting snow.  It hasn’t been this cold, with this much snow, for so long, since Sparky moved in.  He won’t complain, but Sparky isn’t going to like going outside for his morning constitutional.

I am tempted to compel Sparky to plow through a snow drift. 

Sparky likes President Johnson


Sparky wanted to recreate this photo of President Johnson holding his beagle up by the ears.  With Sparky’s belly, I’m afraid his ears would come off.  I obviously can’t tell him that, so just said that I can’t find my suit.

Sparky wasn’t impressed by LBJ shaking hands with his dog.  He thinks Blanco looks like a dumb ass.  Sparky is envious and suspicious of dogs with luxurious fur.  He likes how his seal fur lets him slide through brush and brambles, and thinks that slick dogs should get more acclaim.

Yuki riding on the back of President Johnson’s Cadillac has the twin virtues of being fun and dangerous.  Sparky is going to talk about this photo for weeks. 

After seeing President Johnson howling with Yuki, Sparky says that being president seems like a pretty easy job. 

Sparky picks a Halloween costume.

Sparky is trying out some Halloween costume.

His baby seal costume isn’t very convincing, but is easy.

He really wants to be “Sparkle, the saucy princess”.

Sparky doesn’t want to go with the obvious.  He thinks that Snoopy is kind of a tool.

Whatever Sparky decides to go with, Halloween might get him a car ride.  That’s about it.

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