Category: Sparky (Page 4 of 18)

Sparky on dusk patrol.

I brought Sparky home just short of 2 years ago.  It was a mild winter, but I was concerned that he’d be too cold when we went on walks.  He’s got that short, seal fur, but didn’t have the fat layer.  I got him the Carhartt jacket.

Now that I know Sparky, it’s clear that even in the snow, he has a lot of dog stuff to work on.  When we are out, Sparky stuffs his snout into the snow like this all the time. 

I also know that if Sparky gets cold, he will head for the house.  I could lead him on a longer walk, but he would not be reluctant to give his opinion.

Sparky likes his Christmas present.

After a week of use, Sparky appreciates his heating pad Christmas present.  It’s on low, and keeps the back half of his bed warm.  It got down to 20o F last night and we’ve been burning consistently.  The bedroom was in the low 60’s. 

If Sparky was cold, he’d curl up like a pill bug.  If he were too warm, he’d be in the front of the crate.  FYI, that’s why only a part of the bed should be heated.  His eyes are open, and he stayed in bed for another hour.

My guess is that Sparky stays in bed so I have time to stoke the stove.  When he did shamble out of bed and had gone out for a piss, he settled in for a comfy morning.

Sparky is smarter than a monkey.

Dogs succeed while chimps fail at following finger pointing

Ever since we watched Inside the Mind of a Dog, Sparky has been telling everyone that he’s smarter than a monkey because they said that dogs understand human pointing, and primates don’t. 

There are times when I suspect that Sparky is stretching the truth.  To start the new year off right, I challenged Sparky to demonstrate that he understands human pointing.  It took some training, but he is getting the idea.

Sparky Takes Umbrage – Distractions

This time, I thought Sparky’s argument was really weak, and I had some complaints of my own.

Sparky’s complaint is that sometime when he’s on my lap, I am distracted, looking at the computer, or not petting him or giving him my full attention.

That’s not fair.  “Sparky, I’m doing all the work.  You’re just laying there, not moving, hell, you could be asleep.  You aren’t paying attention at all.”

Sparky says that’s okay, because his eyes aren’t closed and he is like a hundred times cuter than I am, and just showing up is it’s own reward. 

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Sparky Takes Umbrage – Patient Zero

Sparky wants to know why I just automatically assume that I got the cold from him.  I have been out to all sorts of places, and he just stays home for no reason.  So I probably got the cold and got Sparky sick.

Sparky felt that there was no reason to not take him to Christmas Eve at Aunt Joanne’s house.  Sparky is certain that she hid more toys for him to find, and now she has to find them all by herself.  Sparky is concerned that there may be more sneaky animals living upstairs, and he should at least try to make friends with them.

He was partially mollified when I told him that guy would be there.  The guy who sits in his seat in my truck, and talks to him like he’s a retard.

Fine, but why couldn’t he visit Spunky on Christmas?  I reminded him that when we visit Uncle Davy, there are never any crumbs on the floor, I would have to pet Spunky and Cooper, and they have those stupid hard chew toys that dogs can’t even eat.  Yeah, fine.

How about Costco?  Sparky doesn’t know what Costco is, but he’s heard about Costco hotdogs and he likes being a hot dog, so what’s the problem?  Why didn’t I take him?  I told him that going to Costco isn’t like going to Tractor Supply.  At Costco, there are many more customers walking around, not paying attention, and they wouldn’t even care if they stepped on a dog.  That’s where Cruella De Vil works.

Sparky admitted it might have been for the best, and I conceded that I might have gotten the cold first.

Sparky generously acknowledged that if we ever got the plague, bird flu, or botflies, he would probably be patient zero.

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