Sparky is in bad dog jail for insubordination.
In the woods, right behind his dog house, Sparky found a clutch of baby rabbits. Prior to relieving himself, Sparky sniffs around a little bit and probes the edge of the woods. He stuck his head into the brush, his back legs were still on the lawn, and came out with a baby bunny in his mouth.
This is his fifth baby bunny. Watching him, it seemed like a fat guy who cheats on his diet by hiding Girl Scout cookies all over the house. Sparky goes to this spot all the time, so it looks like the rabbits are setting him up.
Sparky is a baby-snatcher. That is known. This time, Sparky did the math. Would I pry his mouth open before he could swallow it? I told him to drop it, Sparky turned his head and chomped a little. We went through that routine a few times, then it was gone. Insubordination cannot be tolerated.
When Sparky is free-roaming and pokes into the woods, I call him if he is in too long. I wonder if it would be better not to call him out. Sparky would back out when he’s done eating. I have little sympathy for the rabbits. They have to evolve more robust maternal instincts. I wouldn’t think that baby bunnies are bad for him. I can’t be sure he’s eating babies, is in a stand-off with a skunk or found a carcass.