Category: Sparky (Page 1 of 19)

Sparky is otherkin.

Sparky might be one of those people who identify as a cat.  Everybody has heard those stories about middle school kids who demand litter boxes in the restrooms.  If that ever happened, then the students were probably just screwing around.  Sparky may be trolling, but he really seems to like cat toys.

He is carrying a fake mouse that tweets like a bird.  Sparky carries it everywhere.  We’ve done some trials where I toss the mouse into a dark room.  So far, he finds it easily.

I might be one of those people who think that dogs are people.  The logic works like this:  Autistic people are people, dogs are autistic, therefore, dogs are people.  That logic seems a little shaky, but Sparky says it checks out.  On the other hand, Sparky can’t figure out how blankets work.

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