Caitlin Jenner recently posted this YMCA video because he shows up in it.1

I’d never seen this music video before, and that’s surprising because I was a fan of The Village People. I even bought the Macho Man 8-track.
At the time, my oldest sister told me that one of the Village People was gay. She was being informative or mean-spirited, I don’t know, but I found that difficult to believe. Like, what are the chances that a construction worker, soldier, Indian chief, policeman, motorcycle punk2, or cowboy, would be gay?
Turns out, the chances are about a 100%.
Apparently only the cowboy and Indian were gay, but teh gays sure liked that song.
1 The subject and pronoun don’t match in that sentence, but that’s not my fault. This human was the man, Bruce Jenner, at the time. I didn’t make up this stupid linguistic fur ball.
Along the same line, I don’t apologize for using “queer” in the title. The politically correct, “LGBTQIA2S+”, is intentionally unwieldy and absurd. Anyone attempting to stay current with the label is bound to be wrong because any letter can be added and the new members of that group will be furious. The Q is in there, so they can’t be too offended that it applies to all of them.
2 What I thought was a motorcycle punk, is the “Leatherman” character. I thought the character was similar to the Eric Von Zipper character in the beach movies of Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello.

I may seem astoundingly unsophisticated, but that’s what it was like before the internet. There was no way to look anything up.