Category: Culture (Page 2 of 13)

Let’s get better words.

It’s an obvious game.  Nobody cares about dictionaries, so at the end of the year, dictionaries get some attention by coming up with a word of the year.  Then, because journalists are lazy, they get a column out of it. 

This is too mundane for anyone to address, but a couple of words come to mind that we use frequently, but just aren’t very descriptive.

I have a cold.  That happens all the time to everyone.  That’s too close to being cold.  If I say a head cold, that is a little better.  Doctors call it an upper respiratory infection, but that sounds too long, and could be a sinus infection, which is much worse.  Just come up with a word that is definitive and isn’t dependent on the rest of the sentence.

Dream is another one.  If someone says that they had a dream, you know a boring story is coming.  If someone says that they have a dream, you know something important is coming.

In Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech, he goes on to refute everything that the modern progressive holds dear.  MLK wasn’t talking about something that came to him while he was sleeping.  He could call it a fantasy, but that sounds disjointed from reality and conjures images of dragons and heaving bosoms.  We need a word that means a future reality that we should work toward.

Does anyone have sleeping dreams of the type portrayed in media?  Those dreams are always carefree fantasies that write themselves.  Some people have vivid dreams and some have vague dreams.  People remember them, or they don’t.  Freud thought that dreams addressed an issue that came up the previous day.  That sounds more likely.

I don’t know.  The word “dream”, just sounds like a romantic notion that can be tossed into a sentence, and people can take it a bunch of different ways.

Jaguar is ruining it’s brand.

Jaguar ad implores the audience to “live vivid”. 

More like livid.  That’s what Jaguar owners, car guys and British people are.  Livid, as in furious, angry or enraged. 

Livid also means “darkish, purple color” or black and blue, like a livid bruise.  Which is what Jaguar will be left with after nobody buys the new models.  To make it worse, Jaguar is pausing their manufacturing to retool to build the new EV models. This is the new Jaguar concept car.

The EV market is rough.  Tesla sells half of all EV cars, with customers generally preferring hybrid cars to avoid the problems that come with a battery-powered car.

Jaguar is owned by Tata Motors.  Tata is a large, diversified Indian company.  Tata bought Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) from Ford for $2.3 billion in 2008.  JLR has performed well for Tata, but with this Jaguar re-branding, that may change.  Land Rovers sell well, and if that brand isn’t ruined, Tata can survive the death of Jaguar.

Here is the Jaguar ad that will kill the brand.

Back when The Village People and Bruce Jenner weren’t queer.

Caitlin Jenner recently posted this YMCA video because he shows up in it.1

I’d never seen this music video before, and that’s surprising because I was a fan of The Village People.  I even bought the Macho Man 8-track.

At the time, my oldest sister told me that one of the Village People was gay.  She was being informative or mean-spirited, I don’t know, but I found that difficult to believe.  Like, what are the chances that a construction worker, soldier, Indian chief, policeman, motorcycle punk2, or cowboy, would be gay?

Turns out, the chances are about a 100%. 

Apparently only the cowboy and Indian were gay, but teh gays sure liked that song.  

1 The subject and pronoun don’t match in that sentence, but that’s not my fault.  This human was the man, Bruce Jenner, at the time.  I didn’t make up this stupid linguistic fur ball. 

Along the same line, I don’t apologize for using “queer” in the title.  The politically correct, “LGBTQIA2S+”, is intentionally unwieldy and absurd.  Anyone attempting to stay current with the label is bound to be wrong because any letter can be added and the new members of that group will be furious.  The Q is in there, so they can’t be too offended that it applies to all of them.

2 What I thought was a motorcycle punk, is the “Leatherman” character.  I thought the character was similar to the Eric Von Zipper character in the beach movies of Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello.

I may seem astoundingly unsophisticated, but that’s what it was like before the internet.  There was no way to look anything up. 

Newsweek: They need a new playbook.

Newsweek: Political realignment

This article in Newsweek is evidence that the elite class are finally starting to figure out why they are wrong all the time.  The authors did make a fundamental mistake.  Trump caused this political realignment.  John McCain, Mitt Romney and other establishment Republicans were comfortable managing the decline of America.  My younger brother called them puppet-dickheads.

This last week, during an interview with Republican Vice-Presidential candidate JD Vance, ABC’s Martha Raddatz tried to dispel concerns about Venezuelan gangs infiltrating Aurora, Colorado by stating that only “a handful of apartment complexes” in the city were affected. Listen more closely, and that benign-sounding dismissal is actually more sinister than it seems.

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