If you aren’t skeptical of the authorities, experts and the commercial media after the disastrous handing of Covid-19, then I can’t help you.
There are dozens of valid reasons to be skeptical of the narrative on climate change. If you are actually interested in learning, then Watts Up With That is a good place to get educated. If you aren’t interested in getting educated, then you should get off your high horse and shut up about it.
Climate change is real and ongoing. I am confident of that because my area was once covered by a thousand feet of ice. Climate change would exist whether or not people existed. What should we do if the Earth is getting too hot?
If the climate is heating up too much, geoengineering is the only solution. Rolling back civilization to pre-industrial levels and allowing billions of people to die will not necessarily reduce global warming. There are many approaches to cooling the planet, but there will be unintended consequences and many approaches aren’t easily reversible. The time scales will be long, and natural processes can cause ice ages. We must be very careful.
The best approach is a sun shade at the L1 Lagrange Point between the Earth and the Sun.

Earth-Sun Lagrange Points
In a two-body system, a Lagrange Point is a place where the forces all cancel out. A satellite placed on a Lagrange point will just sit there, with minor adjustments necessary to hold station.
The L1 Lagrange Point is a million mile above the Earth. That’s four times the distance to the Moon, but not particularly far. At it’s closest, Mars is 50 million miles from Earth, and we’ve sent plenty of equipment there. A satellite could be placed at L1, with huge shades that unfurl. The forces all cancel, so shades could be very lightweight.
We would want to make an infinitesimal reduction in the energy reaching the Earth, and watch for the temperature trends over several years. A large volcanic eruption or meteor strike to the Earth causes atmospheric changes that result in global cooling. Both of those have happened in the past and will happen again. If necessary, the solar shades could be removed.
It is no secret that the WEF and global elites want us to eat bugs, own nothing and shut up. I suspect that we don’t talk about solutions like this because their goal is power.