I don’t even know if that’s possible, but with viruses, something isn’t possible until it happens, or everything is possible all the time.
Just days after the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued a new order that all raw (unpasteurized) milk must be tested for bird flu, reports have emerged of animals dying of the virus.
In Los Angeles County, the public health department is investigating the deaths of two cats that reportedly consumed recalled raw milk.
After drinking the milk, the felines displayed symptoms that included lack of appetite, fever and neurologic issues, according to a press release from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
That just doesn’t sound plausible. Cows don’t even like birds. Haven’t I seen articles about how milk shouldn’t be given to cats? It’s sounds like fake news so the USDA can hassle people about drinking raw milk. Isn’t it more likely that the cat ate a sick bird?
In the last couple of days, Sparky has been snorting quite bit. Not an animal snort, that can mean anything, but a people snort. The rapid inhale through the nose, while raising the head, to clear the sinuses.
When Sparky snorts, it’s pitiful. He has to stop, looks down, and aggressively snorts several times. He can’t keep walking or do anything else when he snorts. It’s heart-breaking because I want to help, but there’s nothing I can do.
It’s like watching your girlfriend vomit. You hold her hair and murmur something supportive because the entire situation is humiliating and you’d like to make it less uncomfortable.
Sparky sniffs with reckless abandon. It’s surprising that he doesn’t suck up more debris and have to sneeze or snort all the time. He doesn’t. Most of our friends have never seen him snort.
Yesterday, he was snorting pretty often. This morning, after he got out of bed, we chatted for a bit, went out for a piss, and he went back to bed. That’s very unusual. Typically, he would lay by the wood stove and dog nap.
So, Sparky and I have a cold. At least that’s my conclusion. Sparky won’t mope or complain about it as much as I will.