Category: Covid (Page 2 of 2)

Covid remote learning corrupted good people.

When cheating becomes the norm, normal kids cheat.  During the summer of 2020, the administrative team for my school had time to plan for fully remote classes.  They made no provision for valid testing.   Teachers asked questions and suggested solutions, but no answers ever came.  Even worse, the administration kept insisting that students be shown grace.  In education-speak, grace means dialing down the accountability.

North Royalton students are generally honest and respectful.  I taught college-prep and AP courses, so my students were smart and ambitious, but not necessarily better people.  Most teachers changed their assessments for remote learning.  Some tried to hold the line by making it harder to cheat with more extended response questions, while others threw in the towel and went for multiple-choice questions.  It wasn’t long before this system corrupted students who wouldn’t have considered cheating.

To compound the educational dereliction, the administration gave students the option of remaining remote, after we went back to a hybrid schedule.  Those remote students remained in classes with in-person students.  The remote students cheated their asses off, while the responsible students took tests and quizzes in class.  For three quarters of a school year, some students took minimal interest in their education, but got the same or better grades than students who attended class.  I don’t stand by any of the grades I gave that year.

Covid fringe theory was probably right, but never mind.

Fringe Theory of Coronavirus Origin

Fringe Theory of Coronavirus Origin

Speaking on Fox News, Senator Tom Cotton, Republican of Arkansas, raised the possibility that the virus had originated in a high-security biochemical lab in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the center of the outbreak.
“We don’t have evidence that this disease originated there,” the senator said, “but because of China’s duplicity and dishonesty from the beginning, we need to at least ask the question to see what the evidence says, and China right now is not giving evidence on that question at all.”

I saw enough in Hong Kong markets to have a good idea what wet markets in China would be like.  Not hard to image diseases spreading from there.

In early 2020, we didn’t know the origins of the Coronavirus.  It’s more than fair to assume there would be incomplete information and a variety of theories.  What is unacceptable is how the WHO, CDC and Fauci dismissed any suggestion that the origin could be a Bio lab in Wuhan, China.  Worse, is how social media companies along with commercial media demonized anyone questioning the official narrative. 

Some doctors, scientists and politicians courageously questioned the official narrative and presented reasonable doubts about the natural origins of Covid-19.  Disagreement and debate is healthy with regard to scientific questions.  The shaming and dismissal of qualified medical personnel is not.  

The people who shut down discussion of the origins of Covid-19 have lost all credibility and should lose any position or standing that permits them to offer any opinion on scientific questions.

Expect commercial media will erase any evidence of their dereliction.  They will adopt a “Can’t we all just get along” approach.


Covid came from Wuhan lab

Covid came from Wuhan lab

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the Covid pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress.

It isn’t clear why the Energy Department is investigating the Covid origin, instead of building nuclear reactors, but at least they got to the answer that the rest of us figured out a long time ago.

Pointless and Authoritarian Vaccination Mandates

Natural Immunity Against Covid

Protection from past infection against re-infection from pre-omicron variants was very high and remained high even after 40 weeks.

Early on in the Covid pandemic, before vaccines were available, I talked to many smart science teachers about natural immunity.  Most weren’t sure there would be natural immunity.  It seemed like if natural immunity wasn’t possible, then a vaccine wouldn’t be possible either.  We all used to know that a vaccine is a weak or fake exposure that gets our immune system spun up to attack the pathogen.  How did people forget that?

My brother wasn’t the first person I knew who came down with Covid, but being so genetically similar, I was interested in his experience.  His case wasn’t bad.  He chose to rely on natural immunity and never was vaccinated.

The CDC and the WHO were reckless or inept by not making a prior infection count as a vaccine.  The people who were fired, discipline or hectored by their employers or schools went through that ordeal for no scientific reason.  Truly shameful.

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