Author: Richard Nestoff (Page 12 of 70)

Illness sit-rep.

I’m still a sick puppy, but more operational.  Frequent neti blasts, saltwater gargling and more sleep have done wonders.  My sleep was fraught with mundane fever dreams, but woke feeling like I was over the hump.

Before bed, I tried some Vicks, and found that I couldn’t smell it.  Peanut butter confirmed it.  Does that happen for any reason other than the Wuhan flu?  I’m not going to get a Covid test, because screw Fauci.

This morning, I can smell again, and my temperature is up just a bit.  I still have chest corruption, but that is usually the last symptom to clear up.

Jimmy Carter passed away at a hundred years old.

Jimmy Carter just passed away at 100 years old. 

I was sixteen when Jimmy Carter was elected, so wasn’t paying much attention.  Carter got ridiculed for an incident where a rabbit harassed his fishing boat.  That was a dumb story, but journalists don’t seem to be very smart.

Jimmy Carter was weak tea.  He had a good resume, but was too idealistic to be effective.  He grew up pretty poor, attended the Naval Academy and was trained on nuclear reactors.  Carter was a good Christian and a good family man.

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There is more to Norwalk than stomach flu.

Newsweek: Norovirus surge is worst in a decade.

This is slanderous.  Why do we put up with such chicanery? 

The norovirus is stomach flu.  It causes intestinal distress for a couple of days.

The “noro” prefix refers to Norwalk, Ohio.  

From Wikipedia:

In the United States, it is the cause of about half of all foodborne disease outbreaks.  The virus is named after the city of Norwalk, Ohio, US, where an outbreak occurred in 1968.

Now come on, stomach flu wasn’t invented in Norwalk.  That outbreak wasn’t noteworthy in any way, but some wag decided to denigrate a small Ohio town, and nobody did anything about it.

Covid started in Wuhan, China.  It killed millions of people, but can’t call it the China flu because that would be racist.  Norovirus is fine. 

The fact that a bio-lab in Wuhan, China did just that kind of virus research, the lab protocols were known to be sloppy, everyone was called a conspiracy theorist for asking the question, and now, nobody cares where the virus originated, suggests it came from the Wuhan Lab.  Why not call it the Wuhan flu?

Recall that initially, it was called a corona virus because it resembled a corona.  Everyone thought that sounded sciencey, but the Corona beer people weren’t happy.  We settled on Covid-19.

Norwalk should be known for it’s raceway, not for a common stomach flu.

Weathering a head cold.

I’m a sick puppy.  My actual puppy is good as new.  Sparky had been snorting quite a bit, but I gave him a can of Campbell’s chicken soup for breakfast, and that did the trick.

Sparky may never have actually been sick, but I am.  It’s just a regular head cold, but I haven’t had one for several years.  Covid was a socially distancing psyop, then I retired, so there wasn’t much exposure.

I’m in the darkest days of the head cold.  That means I sleep, but not well.  I’m impatient with TV or audio books.  I don’t want to read anything.  The repetitive nature of my photo digitizing project is appealing.  I also may feel like generating some rambling posts.

This one simple trick can improve your old photos.

I’ve been scanning and organizing old photos.

The photo on the left was from a balloon festival in Columbia, South Carolina in 1985.  It’s not a scanning problem, the photo looks like that.  I don’t know if it always did, or got that reddish tint with age. 

Film photography relies on chemical processes.  The photographer could add filters to get an effect like this, but the developing process also influenced the final photo.  Serious photographers developed their own film to get the desired result.  Over time, those chemicals may degrade.

Without knowing much about GIMP software, selecting the “White Balance” significantly improved the photo.  Some color was lost on the more distant balloon, but overall, I prefer the photo on the right.

Sparky Takes Umbrage – Distractions

This time, I thought Sparky’s argument was really weak, and I had some complaints of my own.

Sparky’s complaint is that sometime when he’s on my lap, I am distracted, looking at the computer, or not petting him or giving him my full attention.

That’s not fair.  “Sparky, I’m doing all the work.  You’re just laying there, not moving, hell, you could be asleep.  You aren’t paying attention at all.”

Sparky says that’s okay, because his eyes aren’t closed and he is like a hundred times cuter than I am, and just showing up is it’s own reward. 

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Sparky Takes Umbrage – Patient Zero

Sparky wants to know why I just automatically assume that I got the cold from him.  I have been out to all sorts of places, and he just stays home for no reason.  So I probably got the cold and got Sparky sick.

Sparky felt that there was no reason to not take him to Christmas Eve at Aunt Joanne’s house.  Sparky is certain that she hid more toys for him to find, and now she has to find them all by herself.  Sparky is concerned that there may be more sneaky animals living upstairs, and he should at least try to make friends with them.

He was partially mollified when I told him that guy would be there.  The guy who sits in his seat in my truck, and talks to him like he’s a retard.

Fine, but why couldn’t he visit Spunky on Christmas?  I reminded him that when we visit Uncle Davy, there are never any crumbs on the floor, I would have to pet Spunky and Cooper, and they have those stupid hard chew toys that dogs can’t even eat.  Yeah, fine.

How about Costco?  Sparky doesn’t know what Costco is, but he’s heard about Costco hotdogs and he likes being a hot dog, so what’s the problem?  Why didn’t I take him?  I told him that going to Costco isn’t like going to Tractor Supply.  At Costco, there are many more customers walking around, not paying attention, and they wouldn’t even care if they stepped on a dog.  That’s where Cruella De Vil works.

Sparky admitted it might have been for the best, and I conceded that I might have gotten the cold first.

Sparky generously acknowledged that if we ever got the plague, bird flu, or botflies, he would probably be patient zero.

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