Sparky is faced with a dilemma.
After 10 pm or so, Sparky is ready for bed, but I’m not. He operates on slumber party rules. It’s okay to nod off, but don’t be the first person to go to bed and be ready to rally if something fun happens.
Since I’m on the computer, Sparky sits under my computer table trying to look nonchalant. He’s staring at the back of the couch, but he really hopes that I might drop a cracker. Once the crackers are gone, he can get more comfortable.
Sparky is like one of those celebrities who goes out in public, trying to look casual, but can’t help being cute. By looking so relaxed and peaceful, he’s trying to entice me into going to bed. I can tell he is fake sleeping because he isn’t making all those weird noises.
Sparky overplayed his hand. This position is working against him. He looks like he is waiting to feed a bunch of suckling pigs.
Now I want to find some piglet clipart for a little photoshop work. Or, I’ll just go to bed.
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