
It shouldn’t be confusing. After all, manliness is straightforward and direct. Femininity, on the other side of the great sexual divide, is notably mysterious and inscrutable.

This article was written by a man, but he makes good points.  A related and provocative sentiment is that, “Women are all crazy and men are all assholes.”

I’ve never been married, but was close a couple of times.  In our current culture, committed relationships seem so much more complex.  For the last few decades, men have become more feminine and women have become more masculine.  If both people have the same skill sets and expectations, they don’t make a good team.  Without complimentary skills and expectations, division of labor is a perpetual negotiation.

A friend has a son in his late 20’s.  His son is a modern, enlightened man.  My friend has emphasized a great truth.  It goes something like, “Always remember that if there is an emergency or crisis, your wife is going to look to you to resolve it.  Be prepared.”

As a P.U.N.K., (professional uncle, no kids), my nephews and nephews-in-law don’t really care what I think, but they politely listen when I speak.  I appreciate it.  Sometime around the wedding, I make it clear that they are expected to protect and provide for the wife and kids.  That’s the main job of a husband and father.  Do not screw this up.