RCP: Biden’s Debate

The exchange came within the first 15 minutes, and suddenly, fears about Biden’s age and acuity, concerns that were once only whispered among Democrats, were being discussed openly on the left. Before the night was over observers ranging from Andrew Yang, who competed with him for the Democratic Party nomination in 2020, to Van Jones, a CNN contributor who previously worked in the Obama administration, said it was time for Democrats to look for another nominee.

Joe Rogan has been talking about this for a few years, yet it comes as a surprise to people who rely on NPR and the NYT.  Rogan has no college degrees, but has wide ranging interests.  He is a successful comedian, actor, taekwondo champion, sports commentator and podcaster.  Rogan describes himself as a liberal, but thinks for himself.

The corporate media doesn’t think for themselves, and take a reliable progressive party line.  They aren’t honest.  Rogan is correct on major issues, more often than NPR or the NYT.

In 2018, the NYT ran an opinion piece on the intellectual dark web.  Anyone not following a few of these people are wrong or uninformed about the major issues in America.

The intellectual dark web is not an actual group of affiliated people, but a number of public, heterodox individuals.  People often named are Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Glenn Greenwald, Sam Harris, Heather Heying, Claire Lehmann, Bill Maher, Douglas Murray, Maajid Nawaz, Camille Paglia, Jordan Peterson, Steven Pinker, Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin, Ben Shapiro, Michael Shermer, Christina Hoff Sommers, Bret Weinstein, and Eric Weinstein.

If you aren’t following at least a few of these people, then modern American is a mystery to you.