Sparky isn’t being exploited, he is part of the reason the camper seats needed to be updated to version 2.
Last year, I re-imagined the seats in the camper and posted about it. Camper seating version 1.
The design was flawed. Seats are more comfortable when they slope down a bit. These were horizontal. The seat backs tilted back, but weren’t very sturdy. In bed mode, the sleeping area was bigger than it needed to be, but there were too many steps to get to bed mode.
I could have lived with it, but Sparky wasn’t satisfied.
That doggy face is bereft of hope, but not because he is wearing a sweater. He can get out of that. No, Sparky’s objection is that the cushions aren’t fixed to the seat frame. He can be a squirmy little bastard. Jumping up on the seat or moving around on the bed, he found the shifting cushions to be unsettling.
Look at that happy puppy. The cushions are fixed to the frame, so nothing slides around. The seat drops an inch and half from front to back, so it’s more comfortable to sit in. The fabric looks much better.
The fabric is Crypton Stellar Jacquard Wicker. Crypton is the company, and the fabric is resistance to stain, mildew, odor, and bacteria.
The seat is 4 inch foam with an IFD of 44 lbs. It feels too firm. After living with it for a while, I may replace it with layered foam. An inch of firm, and 2 inches of soft.
When not in seat mode, the seat back folds into the frame. It wouldn’t have been too uncomfortable to have a little incline toward the wall in bed mode, but it wasn’t hard to fix. These ramp blocks, circled in blue, get popped in to make the bed level. Since I’d lose them otherwise, they stow in the little compartment indicated by the red arrow.
The bed is 2 feet wide and 4 feet long. That isn’t big, but the camper has two twin-sized beds. It isn’t feasible to sleep three adults. Two adults and a child is conceivable. Really, bed mode is for taking naps or laying down while watching television. With the seat backs stowed, there is another 6 inches between the edge of the bed and the wall. That gives elbow room. I find it comfortable and Sparky likes it. I had some extra fabric, so made a bolster cushion for comfort. It’s hanging on the wall, to the left.
When clipped to the wall, the seats are secure and out of the way.
Counter space is at a premium, so foldout shelves were added. When cooking, it helps to have a staging spot.
Is Sparky safe standing on the shelf?
Probably not, but that’s his business. I built the shelves and put Sparky up there. He’s the guy who was strolling around and decided to pose for a photo with two toes hanging over the edge.