When I was in the hospital recently, my brother and sister-in-law had Sparky.  My brother texted pictures and video of Sparky so I didn’t worry about him. 

Having a dog is a wonderful thing.  I’m okay alone, but having a dog is better.

That night when I first took ill, Sparky laid in his living room bed, half-asleep, but ready to move.  He dreams when he is really out, and sprawls on his bed.  He didn’t know what was wrong with me, and didn’t know how to help.

My brother reported that Sparky was fine, but was getting too old to chase after Mr. Moose.  I knew that Sparky was worried about me.

When my brother brought me home, he offered to go fetch Sparky, and bring him to my house.  I thought it would be better if I drove out to pick Sparky up.  He loves a car ride and that would be the easiest way to let him know everything was fine.  When I got to his house, Sparky gave me the whole, Youtube, soldier returning home treatment.  Nobody has ever been that happy to see me.

Once we were home, Sparky was happier than ever.  He likes to lay on my belly as I watch TV.  That’s the photo above.  He did have trouble sleeping.  When Sparky sleeps, he usually dreams of chasing ducks and makes low woof-woof noises.  That night, the ducks were chasing him and he was making whiny noises.  It took him a couple of days to get over it.  Since then, Sparky takes more pleasure in the little things.  He smiles a lot now.

That’s why it is so good to have a dog.  I’ve got friends and family, and they have helped out plenty.  Nobody was in a funk the entire time I was gone.  And, I didn’t worry about how anyone else was handling my absence.  I don’t know what Sparky was actually thinking, and he won’t say.  I do know that he is happiest when I’m around, and he is counting on me.  That’s a good feeling.