Electric Grid Reliability by State

I was recently talking to a nephew about the frequency of power outages.  The general topic was about having a supplemental heat source in case the power went out in the Winter.  I estimated that my power goes out about 6 times per year, but usually it happens in clusters.  If the power goes out once in a day, it may go out once or twice before the issue is resolved.  Also, I am shit at remembering random things like that, so have no confidence in my estimate.

This link shows the length and number of power outages per state.  I found it surprising.  This map gives the general idea.  Dark is bad, light is good.  The link provides actual data.

It seems like the power is out in California often and for a long time, but California is ranked 34, so at the lower middle of the pack.

Weather can cause power outages, but Florida is the second most reliable, with nearby Louisiana being the least reliable.

With our federal system of government, the states are the laboratories of democracy.  It seems like states would also be the laboratories of power distribution.  If the Federal Department of Energy can take a break from trying to nudge us toward an all-electric impoverished future, they might put some time into figuring out what features are necessary for a robust electrical grid.