AutoBlog: NTSB calls for Speed Limiters on Cars

After investigating a three-vehicle accident that happened in Las Vegas in January 2022, the NTSB is again recommending a few measures to curb speeding, one of them being the “need for intelligent speed assistance (ISA) technology and countermeasures including interlock program for repeat speeding offenders.”

We already have plenty of laws, but DA’s and the DOJ choose to enforce them selectively.  It is irresponsible of the NTSB to make a major policy recommendation that will effect every car buyer in America based on one horrendous car accident.

The NTSB says it is only making a recommendation.  If this gains traction, all automakers will comply based on the threat of lawsuits.  The entire Covid Shut Down disaster was based on mere recommendations by Anthony Fauci.  A generation of children were emotionally and intellectually damaged because school districts covered their asses by following the recommendations.

When car companies start designing cars to work against the car owners, it won’t stop.

Republicans currently are in the majority in the House of Representatives.  The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee should hold hearings to question the NTSB to learn who is responsible for this governmental overreach.