Fox News: We like Heroes

Nobody likes being told what to do or how to live.  Tell a teenager how something should be done, and the mental blast shields come up.  That’s one reason why vegans, environmentalists and the WOKE can be so tedious.  Everyone used to know that people learn from stories.  That’s why the Bible has so many of them.  A story is engaging, and allows the message to slip in.

Boys need stories about heroes to learn how to be men.  For those with limited comprehension, I’m not saying girls don’t, it’s just different.  Boys need men to live up to.   Blessed is the man who was intimidated by his dad in his teen years, but eventually hopes he can be half the man his father was.

The genre of story doesn’t matter much.  Westerns, sports underdog or adventurer stories can all show a man up against the wall.  He chooses to do what’s right, regardless of the cost, and there is a cost.  It’s grueling, painful or dangerous.  He gets his ass beat, but it works out in the end.

Rocky and the first Indiana Jones are two great examples.

Teaching Physics, telling stories and showing examples of men was part of my hidden agenda. 

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