Librarians are not fans of No Left Turn .   Normal people are getting organized, and the degenerates aren’t comfortable with that.

The Atlantic: Librarians are not okay

The Atlantic: Librarians are not okay

The line for the tattoo station at the annual conference of the New York Library Association in Saratoga Springs was already snaking through the hotel lobby, and I hadn’t even had my first morning cup of coffee yet.

Normal people expect a librarian conference to be the dullest place on Earth.  Apparently Marion the Librarian has retired.

“This piece of it is nothing new to librarians,” Allison Grubbs, the director of the Broward County Libraries in Florida, told me. “What I think is new is some of the pathways that people are choosing to take.” Protests in and outside libraries and library board meetings have become more dramatic. Online, in Facebook groups such as “Informed Parents of California” and “Gays Against Grooming,” the language is more and more incendiary. And the librarians themselves are being personally attacked.

For clarification, by “personally attacked”, Ms. Grubbs must mean that librarians were criticized.  If assault had occurred, she wouldn’t be citing Facebook groups.  The language gets more direct when parents feel that their children are being threatened.

“​​I’ve been called a pedophile. I’ve been called a groomer. I’ve been called a Communist pornographer,” Cindy Dudenhoffer, a former president of the Missouri Library Association, told me. “I’ve been called all kinds of things. And I know many of my colleagues have been as well. It’s very hurtful.”

I went to a Tea Party rally to protest high taxes and the intrusiveness of the government.  That group was portrayed as white supremacists, anarchists and Nazis.  I don’t know Ms. Dudenhoffer, but wonder if she has talked to the people calling her those things and has considered why she is viewed so negatively.

Maybe Americans have gotten ruder, but it’s not only that. Online groups are coordinating protests of Drag Queen story hours, compiling lists of books to challenge, and strategizing ways to amend laws in order to censor books. “They might organize a protest and not even live in the state that that library serves,” Grubbs told me.

It’s troubling that Ms. Grubbs can’t see why having a kinky sex clown read to children is really fucked up.  Drag Queen story hours are not an isolated San Francisco phenomenon, but a trend picked up at libraries all over the country.  For library story hour, it wouldn’t be appropriate to have a young woman in a brass bikini reading Star Wars stories or a soldier bringing his sidearm and M-16 to read military adventures.  A serious person would understand that.

Given the lack of judgement demonstrated by Ms. Grubbs and like-minded librarians, it isn’t surprising that parents would organize to protect their children.  Ms. Grubbs should be thankful that its all organizing and petitioning, and not pitchforks and torches.

Librarians should speak with more precision.  Books are not being censored.  People are challenging the purchasing decisions made by public school employees.

“It’s really unfair to characterize displays or programs as ‘woke,’” Dudenhoffer lamented. “That’s just such a terrible word to use right now. But it’s not about that. It’s about serving our community, and everyone in the community, to the best of our abilities.”

Ms. Dudenhoffer should be aware that ‘woke’ is the kindest way to characterize her displays and programs.  “Degenerate propaganda”, “social Marxism”, “normalizing debauchery” or “grooming children” are other terms, but ‘woke’ is short and flexible.  

Adults with unconventional appetites find ways to satisfy themselves.  Keep that away from children.  Progressives always say they just want children to understand that people are different,  but in reality, it ends up with a degenerate wearing a rainbow wig jerking off a banana in front of a bunch of 6 year-olds.