Scott Adams is the creator of the Dilbert comic strip and the first person of notoriety to predict that Trump would win the 2016 presidential election.   This was very early on, when there were 16 people in the Republican primary.  Adams was careful not to endorse Trump, he just recognized that Trump had a gift for persuasion.

Adams talked about how people have preconceptions and it changes how they perceive reality.  A conservative and a progressive can watch the same event, speech or activity, and have completely different reactions, as if they watched two different movies.

I think of that when talking to someone about a Trump rally or speech.  Progressives can’t stand Trump, so they see him blurting things out, speaking in fragments and being nearly incoherent.  I think Trump speaks colloquially, is disciplined and has great timing.

This short clip of Trump from the RNC Convention shows excellent stagecraft.  He references the border crossing graph he was talking about when he was shot.  He mentions the shooting a couple of times, but in a light-hearted way to signal that he isn’t traumatized, but thankful.  Of course Trump has seen the graph before, but suggests that this is the first time he’s had a good look at it.   Masterfully done.

A progressive might view that clip and see Trump bragging about his invulnerability and lying about never seeing the chart before.