It is truly amazing how the queer agenda has gotten their shit-hooks into everything.

Tractor Supply is a pet-friendly company that sells agricultural products to residential customers.  It’s awesome for homeowners who have rough work to do.  There was no indication that Tractor Supply was involved in sex politics.  They aren’t even active in the animal husbandry industry. 

The first I learned of their agenda is when they issued a statement saying they are dropping that agenda.  The statement is very clear, so I can only assume they were participating in DEI under duress. 

From their statement:

Going forward, we will ensure our activities and giving tie directly to our business. For instance, this means we will:

  • No longer submit data to the Human Rights Campaign
  • Refocus our Team Member Engagement Groups on mentoring, networking and supporting the business
  • Further focus on rural America priorities including ag education, animal welfare, veteran causes and being a good neighbor and stop sponsoring nonbusiness activities like pride festivals and voting campaigns
  • Eliminate DEI roles and retire our current DEI goals while still ensuring a respectful environment
  • Withdraw our carbon emission goals and focus on our land and water conservation efforts

Farmers and rural people get a tiny fraction of the support and attention that goes to the queer community. 

Look at popular media.  Clarkson’s Farm is the only TV show that comes to mind that represents the agricultural community.  OK, throw in Green Acres, but that’s going back almost sixty years.  Every Disney TV and movie injects queer representation.  Most other studios do as well.

Large organizations celebrate the queer lifestyle.  Every major company and about half of the churches give money and positive attention to the cause.

Universities and public schools offer queer classes, clubs, administrative support and events.  For the farming community, there may be a 4-H club and some land-grant universities offer an Ag major.  My alma mater, Clemson University had an ice cream store operated by the Ag Service Center.

Every branch of the military, spy agency and federal department celebrates the queer lifestyle.  Our legislature has established a whole month to celebrate sexual outliers.  This odd fellow is the Assistant Secretary of Health for the United States of America.

Nothing about him looks healthy.  My primary doctor used to wrestle for St. Ignatius.  My cardiologist runs marathons in the senior division.   Either of them would do a better job.

Ronald Reagan is the last president who could use a chain saw and would have any reason to shop at Tractor Supply, but that’s from forty years ago.

Within reason, people can do what they want with their genitals, but they don’t need corporate support and for the sake of propriety, they don’t need the attention or platforms to tell us about it.

Harbor Freight is my other favorite store for tools and equipment.  Yeah, I know, it’s a shame to support the communist Chinese, but they make all the tools, so I might as well buy at a good price.  I’d be shocked to hear that Harbor Freight has anything to do with DEI and the progressive agenda.  A country doesn’t get over a billion people by emphasizing deviant sexual practices.