Tag: china

China’s Shenzhou-15 astronauts conduct secretive second spacewalk

Brave or reckless astronauts to take second EVA wearing spacesuits made in China.  I won’t even buy batteries or saw blades from Harbor Freight.  There is no way I’d go into a near absolute vacuum at 3 degrees above absolute zero in a Chinese spacesuit, unless I had no other choice.  Communist China may not have given them any other choice.

Side Note:  I always liked that the Russians are called cosmonauts and are from Star City.  Kind of poetic.   In Mandarin, what are astronauts called and did they invent a new character to represent “astronaut”?  Or is it a sequence of characters, like “man turtle bubble”

Covid fringe theory was probably right, but never mind.

Fringe Theory of Coronavirus Origin

Fringe Theory of Coronavirus Origin

Speaking on Fox News, Senator Tom Cotton, Republican of Arkansas, raised the possibility that the virus had originated in a high-security biochemical lab in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the center of the outbreak.
“We don’t have evidence that this disease originated there,” the senator said, “but because of China’s duplicity and dishonesty from the beginning, we need to at least ask the question to see what the evidence says, and China right now is not giving evidence on that question at all.”

I saw enough in Hong Kong markets to have a good idea what wet markets in China would be like.  Not hard to image diseases spreading from there.

In early 2020, we didn’t know the origins of the Coronavirus.  It’s more than fair to assume there would be incomplete information and a variety of theories.  What is unacceptable is how the WHO, CDC and Fauci dismissed any suggestion that the origin could be a Bio lab in Wuhan, China.  Worse, is how social media companies along with commercial media demonized anyone questioning the official narrative. 

Some doctors, scientists and politicians courageously questioned the official narrative and presented reasonable doubts about the natural origins of Covid-19.  Disagreement and debate is healthy with regard to scientific questions.  The shaming and dismissal of qualified medical personnel is not.  

The people who shut down discussion of the origins of Covid-19 have lost all credibility and should lose any position or standing that permits them to offer any opinion on scientific questions.

Expect commercial media will erase any evidence of their dereliction.  They will adopt a “Can’t we all just get along” approach.


Balloons Aren’t Funny

Chinese Home-made Airship AS700 Conducts Test Flightmen,

Some media and politicians are taking a whimsical view of these high flying balloons.

The White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, confirmed that the administration does not believe aliens are involved. “There is no indication of aliens or extraterrestrial activity with these recent takedowns,” she said. 

NORAD should consider anything invading American airspace to be a threat.  We don’t now much about the Chinese balloon that was shot down after passing over much of the US, but we do know that the Chinese government lies like mad. 

I think it was a trial balloon.  The Chinese government wanted to see what we’d do and how seriously we would take the incursion.  Since they had attempted this three times during the Trump administration, and Pentagon officials didn’t even tell the president, the Chinese government expected not much of a reaction.

Reports say that NORAD radar has been upgraded, so the balloons are easier to detect.  Our spy satellites could certainly see them.  The military shouldn’t be wasting expensive ordinance on hobby balloons, but they should be alert and have procedures to intercept incursions into our airspace. 

This report Inside China’s Military Balloon Program is more informative than anything I’ve seen in the New York Times.

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