Sparky took a dump, and for that, I am thankful.  He thought that completed his objectives for the day

This week, we’ve been splitting wood and refilling the wood shed.  I say ‘we’ because Sparky comes out to help.  His job is to go after any mice that are encountered.  That rarely happens, but I don’t want Sparky to turn into one of those layabout poverty dogs you seen in Mexican countries.

Today, Sparky doesn’t want to participate.  He likes chasing the quad to the wood racks, but he was having none of it.  I called him, and he gave me the cold shoulder.

If I drove away a little, he should take up the chase.  Nope.

Sparky can’t be left that far away while I’m working.  He might wander off, so I brought him over to where I was stacking wood.

Sparky was a little salty because he couldn’t just go in the house and take a nap. 

“I’m just going to sit here in the weeds and let the ticks bite me.  How are you going to like it when I turn into a giant tick?”

“That’s werewolves you’re thinking of.  Ticks just give you Lyme disease.”

“I don’t care, I like Lyme disease.  Last time I had Lyme disease, I got to eat a lot of peanut butter.”

“Ummm, peanut butter.  Wanna go for a car ride after work?”

“We’ll see.”

After that, he was fine.