CNN: Cheatle resigns

That didn’t take long.  Cheatle should have resigned the day before the hearing, rather than the day after.

In light of recent events, it is with a heavy heart that, I have made the difficult decision to step down as your Director,

At least she didn’t do the more-time-with-family bullshit excuse.  If Cheatle was better at politics, she would have known that she wasn’t remaining in that position.  She might have been able to negotiate something for her resignation.  With Biden dropping out of the presidential race, and Jill Biden being her champion, she may not have had that option.

A bold move would have been to offer an opening statement at the congressional hearing.  Cheatle could submit her resignation, effective at the end of the congressional hearing.  She could then answer many more questions and take much of the blame.

Being a big shot is fun, until the shit hits the fan.  Nobody ever remembers that the power and prestige comes with the responsibility and target on your back.  If they did, everyone in charge would spend their days whistling past the graveyard. 

That brings to mind the lyrics from Misery is the River of the World by Tom Waits. 

The higher that the monkey can climb
The more he shows his tail
Call no man happy ’till he dies
There’s no milk at the bottom of the pail

We need more Tom Waits, so here’s the video.