RCS: Germany’s Disastrous Switch Away From Nuclear

It’s interesting to watch a country intentionally destroy itself.  Germany presents itself as a technically-minded country with high-quality manufacturing, not a country that makes uninformed and impetuous decisions.

The most powerful earthquake in Japan’s history occurred on March 11, 2011, causing a massive tsunami.  The tsunami caused 40 year-old nuclear reactors to fail.  

Three months later, the German Bundestag voted to phase out nuclear power and increase electricity production from renewable sources.  To make the idea worse, Germany relies on fossil fuels from Russia.
The results are as expected.  Germans are accomplishing what they intended.  France has continued to rely on nuclear power for baseline electricity production.  The cost of electricity in Germany is over twice the price of electricity in France.  For industrialized countries, the cost of electricity has a major impact on the economy.  Germany’s economy will be handicapped for decades.