At this point, it would be easier to list the Covid statements that were true and backed by scientific evidence.

Fauci subcommittee transcript

All those stickers on the floor at grocery stores, the school cafeteria and anywhere people were allowed to go was based on a 6-foot separation distance that “sort of just appeared”.  That thin rationale is why students went to school only two days per week on a hybrid schedule.

There is no question that masks interfere with language development in children, make it difficult to speak clearly and make it difficult to understand what a person is saying.  There were students I had in class for a year, and didn’t know what they looked like until I saw them at prom.  To mandate masking at all times despite the substantial adverse effects on children, did Fauci have solid research or evidence regarding the importance of masks?  “You know, I might have, Mitch, but I don’t recall specifically that I did. I might have.”

People lost their jobs because of vaccine mandates.  People weren’t allowed to travel or attend some events.  The Covid vaccine is not a vaccine in the conventional sense.  The pro-abortion slogan, “My body, my choice.” was quickly abandoned.  Fauci thinks we might want to study how mandates make people reluctant to comply.

Strong evidence pointed to a lab leak in Wuhan, but anyone suggesting that was a possibility was considered a crackpot or conspiracy theorist.  Regarding the lab leak theory, Fauci now says, “Well, it’s a possibility. I think people have made conspiracy aspects from it. And I think you have to separate the two when you keep an open mind, that it could be a lab leak or it could be a natural occurrence. 

It’s debatable, but the Covid shutdown may have done more damage to America than the 9/11 attack did.  Never trust “the science”, but do ask questions and look at whatever research is available.