If you invent your own driving rules, the other guy has to guess how to react. I’m not saying that this was the best response, but it worked out.
Late morning, these two SUV’s were stopped on Sprague Road. Both had their emergency blinkers on.
Pro Tip: If your emergency blinkers are on and you are not parked on the shoulder, you are telling the world that you are a moron and in over your head.
I’m guessing that the driver of the SUV straddling the double-yellow line is the type of person who leaves their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle at the grocery store, then looks startled when she notices that someone is waiting patiently to get by.
When that SUV driver noticed the approaching vehicle intending to pass. that driver started moving forward. That makes the situation dynamic, and even less predictable.
Afterward, the shoulder SUV backed into the driveway as the straddling SUV pulled over and stopped. The original intent seemed to be to change the order of vehicles in the driveway.
Lesson #1: Don’t block traffic to chat.
Lesson #2: Pull into a neighbor’s driveway to wait or turn around.