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TNR: To ban pervert sex clown shows for kids, Florida law will also ban Rocky Horror.

The New Republic: Florida law may ban Rocky Horror

When I was told this by a friend, I was incredulous, as I am about anything that conveniently fits the narrative.

Florida Republicans are pushing forward a bill that seeks to ban drag shows from allowing someone under the age of 18 to be in attendance.

As I’ve said elsewhere, the legislature shouldn’t have to pass a law to discourage perverted sex clowns from putting on performances aimed at children, but parents will protect children.

The bill defines “adult live performance” to include “any show, exhibition or other presentation in front of a live audience,” that in any form “depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or specific sexual activities,” such as “lewd conduct, or the lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts.”

Yes, that would appear to ban The Rocky Horror Picture Show and the play, Hair.  Parents should not have been pushed this far.  They don’t care about collateral damage.  It’s a shame that it’s come to this, but it has.

Making it difficult for school shooters.

Does anyone really want to stop school shootings?  I ask because when there is a school shooting, even before the bodies have cooled, a legion of activists demand that guns are taken away from responsible gun owners.

Watch the security footage of the Nashville shooter.  Why do the front doors have full-length glass panels?  Adjacent to the front doors, are full-length glass panels.  Those provide no barrier to entry.  You see that adjacent to the office doors, there are small panels.  That makes sense and is as attractive.  What happened to the wire-embedded glass that was in doors back in the day?

At North Royalton, we recently opened a new wing at the high school.  The rest of the building underwent a substantial renovation.  Teachers had several meetings with architects as the renovation was planned.  Central Office tried to accommodate our requests. 

Central Office or the architects did not look to our comments to validate their decisions.  The design was big on glass panels.  Some were changed, but for the most part, classrooms have a full-length glass panel adjacent to every door.  From a security standpoint, that is unsupportable.  It doesn’t make any sense.

The walls in the new wing are drywall.  The old building is concrete block and poured concrete.  That can be made to look attractive, but is more expensive to build.  It’s possible to kick through drywall to gain entrance and drywall doesn’t stop a bullet. 

If administrators and government officials were actually interested in reducing casualties from school shootings, all classroom doors would have windows with embedded wire mesh and all glass panels would be small enough to be difficult to crawl through.  Walls would be substantial enough to provide some security.

Nobody asks administrators or government officials why schools are built to be so welcoming to school shooters.  I suspect the people in authority are engaging in a type of magical thinking.  If it doesn’t look like we are worried about violence, nobody will think about being violent.  Have high expectations, and everyone will rise to meet them.


The new show, Extrapolations, is green porn with a great cast. 6/10

Extrapolations is a bracing drama from writer, director and executive producer Scott Z. Burns that introduces a near future where the chaotic effects of climate change have become embedded into our everyday lives.

Extrapolations is Green Porn with a great cast.

I watched a few episodes because this TV series was eagerly anticipated by swampies.  They felt that when people see how Climate Change impacts regular people, then…I don’t know, we will all join their church or something.

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What happens if Trump is arrested?

It would be better to not find out what happens if Trump is arrested.

In 2016, adult film star Stormy Daniels contacted media outlets offering to sell her account of what she said was an adulterous affair she had with Donald Trump in 2006.

Mr Trump’s team got wind of this, and his lawyer Michael Cohen paid $130,000 to Ms Daniels to keep quiet.

This is not illegal. However, when Mr Trump reimbursed Mr Cohen, the record for the payment says it was for legal fees. Prosecutors say this amounts to Mr Trump falsifying business records, which is a misdemeanour – a criminal offence – in New York.

This is a bullshit charge that happens all the time.  The district attorney is applying it to Trump as a punitive use of his authority.  Alvin Bragg, the District Attorney issuing the indictment, doesn’t care about blow back or fracturing America.  Assume the arrest will be maximum embarrassment, bail denied and leaks of confidential information.  There will be no reasonable restraint.

Some organization has been working to undermine America by funding divisive activities.  I don’t know if it’s George Soros, Communist China or Putin.  Whoever it is has decided that it’s time for a showdown.

Ozempic for weight loss

When my doctor tells me that I need to lose weight, I could tell him that I’ve tried 6 meals per day, 1 meal per day, eat early, eat late, low carb, low fat, joined a gym, bought an exercise bike, and everything else.  I don’t tell him that.  Instead, I say, “No shit.  Unless you want to write a script, let’s move on.”

My doctor is about my age, used to wrestle for St. Ignatius and knows what’s up.

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Tolerance turned into debauchery so slowly, nobody notice.

Governor DeSantis is revoking the Hyatt Regency’s alcohol license for sexually explicit shows with children present .   This video shows a summary of the show.  The title, in Swedish, says “American Christmas Show 2022 for All Ages”.  Presumably, an incredulous Swedish guy posted the video.  Porn used to come from there, and even they are shocked. 

There are 49 other governors.  Not all of them can be perverts.  Why aren’t they stopping this smut.  Governor DeWine, what are you waiting for?

In case Youtube doesn’t want anyone to see what the perverts are trying to show kids, here is another source of the video.


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