Looking at the actual poll, I don’t think it’s that bad. People haven’t lost faith in concepts, but have learned that the people in charge of everything are inept.
There are several question on the economy and personal finances.
Over the course of the next year, do you think the state of the economy will get better, stay about the same, or get worse? Better: 15% Same: 38% Worse: 47%
That is an optimistic view considering the president is senile, the Fed is raising rates and we are in a proxy war with Russia while China is gazing at Taiwan.
When it comes to getting a four-year college degree, which of the following statements comes closer to your point of view? A four-year college education is… Worth it: 42% Not worth it: 56%
That is a clear-eyed analysis. Universities aren’t run by serious people anymore. The cost of college has been going up along with the silliness. Students used to attend to bang chicks and smoke a bunch of pot, with some learning in between. Now, students seem to be getting emotionally and intellectually weaker than when they went in.
Which of these statements best describes your opinion about the United States?
27% believed that other countries are better than the United States. A good follow-up question would be, “Which countries?”, then “Do you think any of those countries would allow you to emigrate?”, followed by, “What’s stopping you?”
To what extent do you consider yourself a religious person? Are you…
29% are not at all religious. How many of those belong to the Church of Climate Alarmism?
Do you think companies should take public stands on social and political issues, or not?
63% said that companies should not be take a stand, and yet, companies will continue to be derelict in their duty to shareholders. More value will be destroyed.
How much confidence do you have in public schools?
Only a fourth have a great deal or quite a bit of confidence in public schools. Before we blame the teachers, perhaps we should abolish the Federal Department of Education and make it easier to get and keep certification. The bureaucratic load on teachers is staggering.
Do you favor, oppose, or neither favor nor oppose colleges and universities considering a student’s race and ethnicity when making decisions about student admissions?
15% in favor, 56% oppose. Three to one, Americans oppose racial discrimination in college admissions. Will that change anything?
People identifying their pronouns, such as “he/him, she/her, or they/them,” in email, social media communication, or conversations.
21% are in favor, 42% do not support people choosing their pronouns. Most people hate this, but it still has currency.
Do you think transgender athletes should be able to play on sports teams that match their current gender identity?
17% say yes, while 56% say that men should only play on men’s teams. This is very unpopular, but allowing boys to play as girls was nearly universally accepted and aggressively defended.
Wokeness is very unpopular, yet seems to be implemented completely. Normal people are normal, so don’t make a stink or think things are this bad. Organizations think that social media is real.