Sparky is always thinking, but he’s got a dog brain.

Sparky was free-roaming while I was stacking wood.  He had been investigating a big bush, similar to the one shown behind him.  His anchor got caught up in the multiple stems at the base of the plant.  That happens, so Sparky was waiting patiently, knowing that I would save him.

His leash was a crazy Gordian knot, so I had to lie on my belly to really get in there.  Sparky was sitting at the end of his leash, about six feet away.  As soon as I was on the ground, with my head under the low branches, he walked over and sat between my legs.  Sparky wasn’t trying to help or getting in close to watch, he just sat there.

Lying prone, legs are needed for maneuvering.  As my legs wiggled around to get me positioned, he remained.  It wasn’t clear what Sparky was trying to accomplish, so I shot a few blind photos.

Sparky likes free-roaming and likes being rescued.  He thinks that letting me rescue him, gives me a meaningful way to contribute to our relationship.  Apparently I crave that sense of accomplishment.  Sparky should be smiling.  Why does he look so sullen? 

Sparky has reliable responses to a few of my actions.  I’ve mentioned these before.  If I put my pants on and grab my car keys, he thinks we are going on a car ride and stands by the door.  If I sit on a chair, he comes over to give me the opportunity to pull him on to my lap.  If I sit on the floor, ground or deck, with my legs splayed, he comes over to sit in close, between my legs, so we can talk about the day, get some snuggling in or look for ticks.

I think that’s what he’s doing here.  Dog brain sees two legs, on the ground, spread apart a little.  Sparky is expecting some quality time, and for some reason, I won’t look at him or give him any attention. 

Sparky figured out his error, but his reputation for correct action is important to his self-image.  He is a  concerned that I will notice how he misjudged the situation, and won’t hold him in such high regard.  That could diminish his free-roaming privileges or his future prospects of having rotisserie chicken.

With that much on the line, it’s easy to see why Sparky was morose.  I didn’t bust his chops or call him out.  He’s my buddy, so I acted like I didn’t notice.