CNBC: Nestle launches Vital Pursuit

People take these to work, and eat with their friends.  “Healthy Choice” and “Lean Cuisine” invite criticism if you courteously accept a cupcake that someone brought in for Dessert Thursday.  “Hungry Man” announces that even you don’t believe you are big-boned.  “Marie Callender’s” declares that you really are better than them.

More food brands should be named like a military operation. 

Taco Bell could move into frozen meals under the “Rolling Thunder” or “Urgent Fury” brand

Have a “Vital Pursuit” for lunch with a couple of Red Bulls, and you are Tommy Lee Jones, going after The Fugitive.  Your afternoon plan may be to teach Algebra 1 to a bunch of mopes who sniffed out all the dry erase markers, but you’re ready for that too.