NPR finds racism in race-blind tax code
There’s a broader question about whether institutions and rules and customs that are blind with respect to race are actually neutral with respect to race, or if they reinforce preexisting disparities.
NPR can always find a way to encourage racial animosity. Do our enemies still have to payoff these wreckers of our culture or do the Leftists just do it for sport?
We encourage equality of opportunity because a disparity of outcomes can always be found. Do the same analysis for the tax returns of single men versus single women, tall women versus short women or any other trait. Statistics will find a difference in outcome, and that can be used to drive a wedge between those groups.
I don’t know what minor lifestyle difference might result in this tax disparity. Black folks can live anyway they want. It’s none of my business.
A tax code with no institutional racism is the goal. NPR doesn’t suggest a solution, but instead, hope’s to nurture any racial tension.