NY Magazine: Trump conviction

The author of the commentary, Jonathan Chait, describes himself as a liberal hawk.  He is a committed anti-Trumper, but has criticized liberals and conservatives.

Chait talks about Trump’s conviction on 34 felony charges.

The case was always marginal, the kind of charge you would never bring against a regular first-time offender. It was the sort of charge you’d concoct if the target is a bad guy and you want to nail him for something.

The Trump case is marginal.  At it’s heart, a rich guy paid of a hooker who wanted to go public about a one-night stand from 18 years ago.  It is less than a victim less crime because privately settling a dispute happens all the time.

Chait says it’s the sort of charge you concoct.  So, pull some trivial shit together to throw it at a wall.  Maybe it sticks. 

In the liberal view, Trump is a bad guy that liberals want to nail for something.  Does anyone actually believe that if Trump were a Democrat, any of this would be happening?  Consider that Senator Kennedy crashed a car into the water, and left a woman trapped inside to die.  He was not charged.

In Trump’s case, it’s likely that charges would have been dropped if he withdrew from the presidential election.  That sure sounds like the DA is tampering with the 2024 presidential election.

Trump is polling well, and has a very good chance of being elected president again.  Progressives are willing to go to any extreme to stop that from happening.  They see their actions as justified, no matter how much America is damaged, because they feel so strongly about their beliefs.  That’s dangerous.