The Trump conviction was a partisan hit job by a rogue prosecutor and a corrupt district attorney.  Every thing you need to know is in that headline.

We are expected to believe that 12 fair and impartial jury members came to a unanimous decision 34 times?  That isn’t even remotely plausible. 

You’ve seen courtroom dramas.  The jury deliberation is fraught with tension as they discuss a couple of days of testimony.  After 5 weeks of testimony, the Trump jury deliberated for 6 hours to talk about 34 charges.  That’s like 11 minutes per felony.

Pray you never get arrested.  The process is the punishment.  95% of criminal cases never go to trial because a plea bargain is reached.  When a person is arrested for a crime, the DA doesn’t file one charge, but as many as can be plausibly applied.  The avalanche of charges and potential for a long prison sentence are meant to intimidate the defendant into reaching a plea bargain. 

Prosecutors know that anything can happen in a trial, so it’s safer to take the easy win.  Getting a conviction on every single charge the DA could think up, is just not credible.  We are supposed to believe that the DA didn’t go overboard on any of the charges?