Middle Management Terrorize Their Bosses Into Going Woke

Middle Management Terrorize Their Bosses Into Going Woke

Wokeness, the authors conclude, typically originates from power-seeking middle managers looking to carve out areas of responsibility that enhance their job security. Think of career fields that tend to attract more Democrats, like the human-resource bureaucrats who manage diversity-training programs or advertising teams that design social-justice marketing campaigns.

Because younger generations are more likely to take to Twitter or similar platforms to tarnish a brand that offends their sensibilities, businesses get the idea that their customers are more left-leaning than they really are.

Companies go woke, thereby offending potential customers, because middle managers need to stand out somehow.  Woke policies don’t make sense to upper management, so rather than push back, they capitulate.  In addition, woke people are aggressive on social media, and upper management thinks that’s real.